This year class VII was given the duty to organise the Independence Day
programme and they made every effort to make it a memorable show. They
performed various enactments, songs, and dances and recited poems all
in patriotic favour. Mr.Pawan Kumar Bansal was the chief guest and the
guest of honour was Prof.Devi Sirohi, chairperson Chandigarh Commission
for Protection of Child Rights. The programme commenced with the
hoisting of the flag and the release of the tricoloured balloons.
Students then proceeded inside the auditorium and bowed their heads
before the Almighty to seek blessings for the country and its people,
there was a short enactment on the topic "CHILD LABOUR" followed by a
motivating poem and finally the foot tapping dance on "MILE SUR MERA
TUMHARA"which showcased national integrity. The show ended on a
philanthropic note when bicycles and sanitary kits were distributed to
the under privileged children, this was done in collaboration with
Yuvsatta,a city-based NGO.